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Behind HolyThree Ministries

HolyThree Ministries grew out of The Reverend Dr. Ray W. Mendenhall's  own search and journey towards a more Spiritual Life.  Dr. Mendenhall has a D. Min from Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, VA (1977) and a Certificate in Spiritual Formation from Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA (2004). He entered and completed The Pastor as Spiritual Leader program through the Center for Congregational Health in Winston Salem, NC. As a young seminarian, Dr. Mendenhall sensed something missing in his religious life, something that neither he nor his Presbyterian tradition could name. He pursued a Doctor of Ministries degree in New Testament and Worship sensing that his need had something to do with the Worship life of the Church.  In the early 1980's, he finally found the missing piece in the ancient spiritual practices of the Christian Tradition. It was then He began a new journey. For the last 30 years of ministry, he searched for, studied, discoverd, cultivated and embraced Spiritual Practices, some old and some new. The result is his work through HolyThree Ministries. 

"It is my hope to provide to others the tools, practices, resources and experience to enrich their own

 Spiritual Journey  towards the Godly life and devotional living. That is the mission and  goal 

of HolyThree Ministries."       Dr. Ray W Mendenhall

Spiritual Resources                                            
for the Spiritual Life                                          

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